are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots. I cant stop the
rumors from spreading, and i cant really change people’s minds who believe
them, all i can do is sit back and laugh at these low life people who have
nothing better to do then talk about me. Let them judge you. Let them
misunderstand you. Let them gossip about you. Their opinions aren’t your
problems. You stay kind, committed to love, and free in your authenticity. No
matter what they do or say, dont you dare doubt your worth or the beauty of
your truth, just keep shining like you do. False knowledge is worse than
ignorance, especially when it’s used against someone. It’s best to have all the
facts and know what you are talking about before you condemn someone for
something you really know nothing about. Facts are never hearsay or what
someone says or what you heard from a person. Facts are what you actually see
or witness. You may think you know everything, but you dont. If you didn’t see
it with your own eyes, or hear it with your own ears. Dont invent it with your
small mind and share it with your big mouth. I prefer to stay lowkey, leave
people clueless, and let them assume what they want. You can try to dirty my
name, but i’ll wear your hate like war paint.
Halo, selamat pagi. Sesuai permintaan dari teman - teman di instagram, aku akan sharing mengenai beasiswa unggulan Kemendikbud. Tenaaang, rileks, baca dengan santai yaaa, karena penjelasannya mungkin agak panjang hehe. Disclaimer : semua yang aku tulis disini based on my experience yaa, jadi mungkin ceritanya berbeda dengan para awardee yang lainnya. Yang pertama alasanku mengapa memilih untuk daftar beasiswa unggulan diantara banyaknya beasiswa S2 yang lainnya seperti beasiswa LPDP, beasiswa tanoto, dll. Jadi, ini adalah pengalamanku daftar beasiswa yang pertama untuk kuliah S2. Sebelum mendaftar beasiswa, aku sudah menjalani proses perkuliahan semester 1 di Universitas Brawijaya jurusan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Lingkungan dan Pembangunan (PSLP) atau biasanya disebut Ilmu Lingkungan. Nah, pada saat awal masuk perkuliahan, beasiswa unggulan baru buka pendaftaran. Baru terbesit dipikiranku untuk mencoba beasiswa ini, setelah itu aku baca - baca persyaratan di web beasisw...
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